Today I went to post a registered article in Singapore Post Office. While serving me, the officer asked, "Would you like to buy Abalone for Mother's Day? We are having a promotion.." I gently said 'No'. She then asked, 'How about getting a watch for your mum?' I was annoyed, but I told her gently, "My mum is not around anymore..." and I left the counter. My mother passed away in November 2003 due to cancer. That was about 2 years after I graduated from University and started my work life in a Statutory Board. I love my job, and usually worked till\late. My mum would then call me when I do not reach home by 8pm... Back then, I was bullheaded - as a young graduate wanting to climb the corporate ladder fast fast... and left my parents waiting at home for me... Mum was diagnosed with third stage lung cancer in February 2003. I was angry - i never thought this could happen to her. Mum did not want to go through chemotherapy, so she rested at...